Prior installing ISO 9001 QMS
A disorganized disoriented management
system that needs installation of ISO 9001 QMS.
Management Time =
Efficient & Effective + Considerable Errors
Management Time & Wasteful Time
Assuming present management system
70 % efficient & effective and 30 % inefficient & ineffective
due to flaws, irregularity and common organization
errors that occur in mismanagement.
ISO 9001 QMS being 100 % ideal
upgrades management system reducing a 30 % deficit.
Installed ISO 9001 QMS
A reorganized & streamlined management
system as per ISO 9001 QMS Guidelines.
Management Time =
Efficient & Effective + Minimum Wasteful Time
Management Time & Increased Productivity
Upgrades & Raises the standard of Business Performance:
Efficiency and Effectiveness Business Sustainability
Continuous Improvement Customer Satisfaction
ISO 9001 QMS Guidance Clauses are generic and general:
therefore applicable to all types of businesses big and small:
Manufacturers Stores Retailers Supermarkets
Services Healthcare Education & Government Institutions